Paperless Made Simple
Network, Cloud, Security
Document Solutions
Networking Made Simple
PC Innovations

What TitanFile Can Do For You?
Secure File Sharing for Accountants
You understand the need for confidentiality. An organization’s financial data indicates its successes and shortcomings. Unless such information is ready for release to stakeholders, it must be privately analysed and interpreted.
However, your success also depends on secure file sharing as you work with colleagues and – if you are part of an accounting firm – different companies.
Also catering to the specific needs of auditors, you can have security and privacy while flexibly sharing large and important documents through TitanFile.

• Providing a solution as easy as email, but secure.
• Maintaining audit logs that track and time-stamp who accesses your sensitive financial files.
• Eliminating the need to ask IT for FTP links or other cumbersome file transfer methods.
• Making it easy for individuals inside and outside your organization to learn and use, letting you quickly and safely collaborate.
"With unlimited storage capacity and protection U.S. government bodies use for Top Secret files, TitanFile users seamlessly share and store large, financially-sensitive documents."
Secure File Sharing for Health Care Professionals
You’re in charge of precious information – documents about personal health. Of course, sharing these files is necessary for solving many medical situations. But protecting them must be just as much of a priority.
How do you balance the need for sharing and security?
TitanFile is document sharing software with unparalleled security, letting you confidently send and receive vital patient files, as it:

• Complies with PIPEDA, HIPAA and HITECH standards for storing electronic medical records.
• Features audit logs that track and time-stamp who accesses files with confidential patient information.
• Provides a solution as easy as email, but secure.
• Gives you a choice of where your data resides (US/Canada/Europe).
• Lets you protect a library of confidential information with unlimited transfer and storage capacity.
"TitanFile allows you to share patient files confidently with full HIPAA and PIPEDA compliance."
Secure File Sharing for Manufacturers
Many hands take an idea from conception to production. But with an increasingly competitive landscape, how do you bring together your document sharing requirements with your security needs?
TitanFile is your answer, as it:

Uses algorithms that U.S. government bodies rely on to encrypt and store Top Secret information
Can be set up instantly, with no on-premise installation or need for separate security management
Lets you protect a library of confidential information with unlimited transfer and storage capacity.
Gives you a choice of where your data resides (US/Canada/Europe).
"As a secure platform for file sharing, TitanFile eliminates the need for exchanging documents through systems and email accounts prone to leaks."
Secure File Sharing for Legal Professionals
You understand the need for confidentiality. To defend your clients’ best interests, you must protect the privacy of their documents
But your success also depends on secure file sharing, as you work with paralegals, clients, and co-counsels. How can you maintain security and privacy while flexibly sharing the documents you need every day?
TitanFile gives lawyers this peace of mind by:

Eliminating the need to ask IT for FTP links or other cumbersome file transfer methods.
Providing a solution as easy as email, but secure.
Giving you a choice of where your data resides (US/Canada/Europe)
Letting you organize files by client, case, or matter.
Maintaining audit logs that track and time-stamp who accesses your legally-sensitive files.
Making it easy for clients, clerks, and co-counsels to use, letting you quickly and safely collaborate.
"TitanFile gives your documents unparalleled security, detailed audit logs, and the ability to organize files by client, case, or matter."
Secure File Sharing for Higher Education
Higher education relies on secure online file sharing.
Faculties, researchers, and administrators all share documents with each other. Colleges and universities are responsible for protecting sensitive information such as unpublished research material and budget reports.
TitanFile meets both these needs, providing those in higher education with a protected platform to exchange important documents. Perhaps most importantly, TitanFile:

Uses algorithms that U.S. government bodies rely on to encrypt and store Top Secret information
Features audit logs that track and time-stamp who accesses and gives feedback on files
Is more intuitive than in-house sharing services, making it easier to use for beginners and advanced users
Lets you protect a library of confidential information with unlimited transfer and storage capacity.
Gives you a choice of where your data resides (US/Canada/Europe).
"With unlimited storage capacity, TitanFile lets you share, protect and collaborate over libraries of confidential research documents – large or small."